Project Management, upplaga 5

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Project Management, upplaga 5

Project Management is aimed at anyone who works with projects, whatever the branch of industry and type of project. The fifth edition contains more models and methods to support project operations in everything from selection.

The fourth edition of Project Management is aimed at anyone who works with projects, whatever the branch of industry or type of project. It contains models and guidelines that can be used in support of the project process, from selection and prioritizing between project ideas to benefits realization.

The book presents project methodology, leadership and agile methods in a clear, comprehensible way, making it suitable as course literature, reference literature in practical project management and aheadof certification.

Project methodology consists of project managementand project governance that together tend to the needs of companies and organizations as well as ensuring results in the individual projects. This has been clarified and exemplified in this fourth edition of the book to harmonize with new standards and guidelines published by the international organizations ISO, PMI and IPMA.

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